Starwars News

Revenge Of The Sith Secretly Fixed A Massive Darth Vader Flaw

  • Darth Vader's iconic mask was perfected in Revenge of the Sith, fixing a flaw present in the original trilogy to make it symmetrical and consistent in appearance.
  • The inspiration for Darth Vader's suit and mask comes from Samurai combat helmets and face masks, fitting with George Lucas's inspiration from Akira Kurosawa's works.
  • In-universe, the discrepancies in Darth Vader's mask props could be explained by the varying degrees of damage sustained in his conflicts, resulting in subsequent repairs and slight changes in appearance.
Darth Vader’s iconic mask was perfected in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, which fixed a flaw present in the original Star Wars trilogy. Darth Vader is deservedly seen as one of cinema’s greatest villains, with his dark Force powers, ruthless leadership, and tragic backstory earning Vader this perception. Of course, Darth Vader’s imposing, armored suit only amplifies his onscreen presence. Twenty-two years after its last cinematic appearance, Darth Vader’s mask returned in Revenge of the Sith, and it looked better than ever before.
There are several real-world inspirations for Darth Vader’s famous suit and mask, with perhaps the most prominent source being the combat helmets and imposing face masks of Samurai. This, of course, is all too fitting, as one of George Lucas’s main inspirations for the Star Wars films themselves was the works of Akira Kurosawa, whose filmography includes numerous movies set in feudal Japan. The masks of Darth Vader seen in the original Star Wars trilogy, however, were not flawless.